First, just to let you know, over 50% of the people registering for my Workshop, have applied for Hot Seats — which is starting to make Hot Seats, the most IMPORTANT part of this event.
So if you getting a Hot Seat is important to you, then make sure you send in your application SOONER than later. Workshop details:
Listen here…
Or read about it here…
Now let’s talk about words people use all too often in their sales copy, that are virtually meaningless:
Finest, best, and greatest what?
These are words used so frequently, and in such a general manner, they are now virtually meaningless, when you’re trying to use them to sell something.
They are like “warm air” this point.
They are also words with relative meanings and measurements.
Depending on who you’re talking to, they can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
Telling a guy who’s been working out and taking supplements for ten years, that this is the greatest supplement ever made, is going to have a different impact on someone who just stepped into the gym, right?
So avoid these words, if possible. And if you MUST use them, then explain why something is the finest, best, greatest, and so on.
Like, “This is the most effective, and finest bodybuilding supplement on the market, and here’s why: In a double-bind study conducted at the University of Indiana…”
Get the point?
The other word that’s become as overused as high fructose corn syrup, is the word “Amazing.”
Years ago, if you wrote that something was amazing, people would be… well, amazed.
But again, similar to these other words — if you’re not going to explain why something’s amazing, then you’re simply wasting time.
The reason I separated this word from the others, is because this is still a good curiosity provoking word. So if you wanted to use it in your headline, it’s NOT necessarily a bad choice.
Again though, make sure you deliver on the follow-through with an explanation of why it’s amazing.
Look, when it comes to communication, words are all you’ve got, so choose wisely.
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. Want more on word choices? Ask me, on your Hot Seat at my Lead Generation & Client Attraction Workshop, next month.
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