Lead Generation Strategies: Last Chance

If you generate leads as part of your business, in ANY way shape or form, then you MUST be aware of something that’s VERY relevant, and that will no longer be available in less than 48 hours.

On this month’s Seductive Selling Coaching Call, we had a VERY in-depth conversation about generating leads, and as far as I know, it was the ONLY time this particular subject has ever been discussed at this level.

Here is just a small sampling of what was covered:

* The four situations in which you MUST use lead generation! (Blow even one of them and you’re simply throwing good money after bad.)

* The number ONE mistake nearly all entrepreneurs make when it comes to generating leads! (Believe me, whether you know it or not, you’re either doing this now, or you WILL do this soon!)

* The best kind of media to use to generate qualified leads! (Finally, eliminate all the tire-kickers and looky-loos who’ve been wasting your time.)

* The good, the bad, and the ugly about making it tough for prospects to get into your funnel! (This isn’t what you think it is, for sure.)

* And… much much more!

This call was so outstanding, IMMEDIATELY afterwards, we received a slew of comments filled with positive feedback. Here, listen for yourself:

“Thank you – Thank you – thank you. This call has very helpful information. Thank you.” Doug Brown – Hudson, NH

“Thanks for the excellent coaching call!” Paul Romeo – San Clemente, CA

“I REALLY enjoyed the call today. I just created my Big Free Report so the topic is very relevant and timely for me. Thank you!” Val Heart – San Antonio, TX (Val’s coming down to Tampa for a full day of consulting next month.)

“Craig, Just another great call, thank you. The monthly SSS calls really address important issues I am facing in my marketing, as well as topics vital to positioning my business. The calls reinforce all the great information found in The Seductive Selling System, while serving to refine, implement, and drive home strategies for success on an ongoing basis.

Thank you again for another great call, and for sharing your insights and knowledge so that others may benefit and be successful as well.” Carolyn Francis – Gilbertsville, PA Note: Carolyn is also a member of my Maverick Marketers Mastermind Group. You can find more information about this group here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/maverickmarketer

“Great call today, as usual.” – Bill Bowman – Apex, NC

If you’ve ever tried getting testimonials before, you know how tough it is, so when nearly a half-dozen people e-mail you filled with excitement over what they just experienced, it’s time to sit up in your chair and pay close attention to what you’re missing, and… if you’re lucky, try and get in on the same thing they are.

Or, just be content to sit and stay where you are. (Some folks are like that.)

You get to participate on these calls by owning The Seductive Selling System, and in fact, you get a 30-day FRE.E test drive of these calls right away.

What this means is that you’ll get this EXACT call about lead-generation, FRE.E, as long as you order the system in the next 48 hours. After that, it’s your loss, because this info will NOT be available. Get your hands on the system right NOW (and see all the other success stories), right here at: http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Again, in 48 hours, this call will NO longer be available. Grab it while you can at http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive






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