There’s a curious man in my Mastermind Group named Jeff Pettitt. On the surface, he’s a pretty tough fellow. Big guy, clears six-foot easy and then some, lean and tough as nails. The kind of lean that makes boxers hard and effective, not lean as in “skinny.”
Not wimpy by any means, yet a proper British fellow. (He even wore a tie to the barbecue I had at my house.)
Jeff grew up in London, oddly enough probably not in too different an environment than myself, growing up in The Bronx, thousands of actual miles away, and millions of lifetimes in the distance.
Jeff was an FA referee for 15 years, which means in a nutshell, that he was the top dog in a country where soccer players and anything to do with the game, are revered the same way money and power are revered in this country.
And just to clear that up for any of the dumb folks reading, he wasn’t “a referee in a nutshell”, he was a professional soccer referee, in case there was any confusion. “In a nutshell” is just an expression. I think it might even be called a colloquialism. (Whew, 6 syllables!)
Anyway, Jeff’s got a number of new and exciting things going on in his life, both professionally and personally, as a result of all the success he’s been experiencing, which of course, is the result of all the hard work and smart effective marketing he’s
been doing. (Again, outside of the nutshell.)
Jeff’s also a mentor to loads of up-and-coming referees, which I’m going to advise him to stop doing at our next mastermind meeting at the end of April. I’ll tell you why in a moment, but first, here’s some correspondence between Jeff and one of his
lads, just so you can see what a quality guy Jeff really is. Oh, and read this out loud because Jeff’s got like a solid half-dozen lessons in there – some of which you NEED to
“Your e-mail does give me a chance to speak to you about how I would push your refereeing career forward. Incidentally, it will elevate your work life as well.
I would ask you to re-read your e-mail to me.
What did this referee do that made him so terrible? I would change your mindset from “he was terrible” to “for him to get better he needs to…” in other words don’t bring me problems bring me solutions. If you take this as an attitude for work life as well you’ll become a real go-getter in your place. Your bosses will come to you for solutions and you’ll start taking off. And like refereeing if you want to make it to the top you better get yourself out of the sheep’s pen where everyone is bleating. Will the other sheep like you? No, because you’ll show them that they could be better if they got off their butts.
Of course, with a couple of promotions your mortgage will become relatively smaller as you’ll be earning more.
Secondly, you don’t need a gym membership. You need cardio-vascular strength and that comes from running. You need a good pair of running shoes and the will to get out 3 days a week and build some miles into your legs. I didn’t join a gym until I was on the Premiership and that was because I needed to train during the day to enhance my fitness.
As for expense – this is just an excuse. When Fiona and I moved into our house at Welling we had £28 a month for food and clothes!
[Side note: Jeff and Fiona just moved into a HUGE freaking home that costs 7 figures over in the U.K. He also flies business class from the UK to the U.S., four times a year to attend my group meetings. Rest assured, they’ve come a long way, baby.]
So to get the right level of fitness I ran in my work shoes around the streets of the city of London in the evenings, in the middle of the night, basically every lunch time. This meant that all my training was free.
(At that time I worked shifts – and even that wasn’t an excuse to stop me getting there.)
Plus I joined the other referees at CUACO on a Wednesday evening. I also made the rule that unless I had a game on a Tuesday I was always going to be at CUACO on a Wednesday come rain, sun, snow, etc. etc.
And now as you see my route to the top you can start to understand why I don’t take any old rubbish from anyone about this, that and the other. Getting to the top is about
sacrificing the nice things now for the rewards later. Yes you can keep eating burgers and drinking yourself under the table and finding excuses why you shouldn’t be running the streets and you can also keep looking at the TV as referees with the same ability as you appear on those games and you can bore the pants off the other couch potatoes who would have and could have.
Or you can start right now to watch your diet, watch your fitness levels and watch your career go through the roof – both on a Saturday and during the week.
The choice is yours. Jeff
PS It’s simple not easy – but nothing worthwhile was ever achieved easily.”
You know, it’s VERY rare to find someone who’s as caring as Jeff is (about as rare as finding an Englishman who actually spells his name “Jeff” and not “Geoff”), and Lord knows he’s a pillar of rock-solid compassion and sincerity, in spite of the fact that he could easily justify not being one.
And reality is, this is literally the very BEST advice this young lad could have received from anyone.
So… why am I going to suggest to Jeff next month, that he stop doling this advice out?
Is it because I am a horrible guy?
Is it because I’m jealous of Jeff’s nutshell?
Or perhaps… I got kicked off my junior soccer team and I’ve been holding repressed feelings back and now I have a slew of unresolved issues that’ve been kicking around my dusty emotional wasteland all these years?
What do you think?
I’ll tell you what, why don’t you reply to this e-mail and tell me why you think I’m going to advise Jeff to stop doing this — to stop being such an admirable first-class act — next month when he comes down to our Maverick Marketers Meeting on April 26th and 27th-
I will announce the answers on my radio show on Thursday at 1pm Eastern time, and you can listen to it at
You will find part of the answer in my newly re-published version of The Science Of Getting Rich, which is absolutely THE best $10 bucks you’ll ever spend, and you can get that here:
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. WARNING!: Do NOT try my offline newsletter unless you want to increase your ability to control your life… increase the amount of cash you’re walking around with in your pockets… and decrease the instability of your marketing systems. But what do I know? You tell me — test-drive it FREE right here:
P.P.S. Check out all the King’s products at
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