54% On Page Conversion Rate? Performance Results Examples:

I haven’t sent out many emails lately, simply because I’ve been incredibly busy.

Not only with consulting and copywriting clients, but with a couple of side projects I have going on. Plus, I’ve been playing guitar as often as possible, and having a great time doing it.

I’ve never really discussed this at length, but here’s a brief list of some of the results I get for clients. Yes, some of these numbers are unusual – but I’ve been producing results like this since 2000 – so not that unusual for me.

If you have any questions or want to discuss working on a project together, or you want to hire me to develop your marketing strategy, or to write your creatives… email me directly (craig AT kingofcopy.com) or call our office at 813-333-2463 and leave a message.

Here you go:

Direct Mail

  • A direct mail piece I created generated a 47.1% lead generation response on the first mailing, in a boring and mundane industry. My client couldn’t mail out a second or third mailer because he already exceeded the allotted number of teleseminar participants on the first mailer…
  • A financial services professional in the midwest increased his leads by 51% using direct mail. Because he was now also dealing with more qualified leads, his net cash-flow went up by 60%. Lead acquisition costs also dropped by 21%…
  • I invest in real estate. One of the lead generation mailers in my real estate business got a 32.85% response within the first 3 weeks…

Online lead generation, sales letters, emails and solo email drops:

  • A solo email drop I recently created got a 15.43% open rate, and a click-through rate of 21.4%…
  • A small email sequence recently went out to a small list of only 95 prospets. Within the first 4 days, 4 workshop sales were already made – 3 at $2,597, and 1 at $3,597 – $11,388 total…
  • A recent affiliate campaign I wrote for a client delivered these results for two of his affiliates: 30.96% click through rate – and 100% of these people ordered. We didn’t do as well with the second promotion, but still… nothing to feel badly about, with a 44.68% click through rate, and 88.88% orders…
  • A webinar registration landing page I put together, had a 54% on-page conversion rate. Webinar host was pitching an in-person workshop, which more than sold out and caused him to have to book a larger hotel room (a great problem to have!)…
  • And, 7 days after a recent information product launch, 37.73% of the people who clicked through, ordered…

At this point in time I’ve worked with over 300 clients in more than 104 different industries

Published “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers,” my first book, 2009…

Been writing and publishing a monthly offline newsletter, “Seductive Selling,” since April 2006

I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have. Again, simply email me directly (craig AT kingofcopy.com)or call our office at 813-333-2463 and leave a message.

With my wife Anne and Penn Jillette at The Rio in Las Vegas, after his show.
With my wife Anne and Penn Jillette at The Rio in Las Vegas, after his show.


