3 reasons why you won’t be successful in business:

The other day I was at the grocery store walking by the bakery department, and I saw the machine that slices loaves of bread into slices. It made me think how, this is one of the few process technologies that hasn’t changed at all, since I was a little kid.

But this is an aberration. For most things in life, change… is inevitable.

And there are two kinds of changes you can make. First there’s the kind of change YOU create, in response to something inside of you that says “I want to do “some thing” different…” or, “I want to see different results.”

These changes are almost always done with optimism and excitement, even if there’s a sense of anxiety involved. And that’s because you’re looking for, and expecting some kind of growth or progress to come out of these kinds of changes.

Sometimes it’s financial growth, other times professional growth, and it almost always creates personal growth, as well..

Usually, in this situation… the greater the sacrifice you make to create this change, the more the reward means to you.

But there’s also another kind of change.

And that’s the kind of change you’re FORCED to deal with. Things like health issues, and sudden or unexpected financial troubles, for example.

When this happens, you’re faced with a choice of adapting to, or resisting the change.

If you want to adapt to it, the end result is you typically wind up turning lemons into lemonade. If you’re the kind of person who is growth driven, you’ll typically turn a weakness into a strength, and a challenge into a victory… and you’ll wind up making that sweet lemonade most of the time.

Won’t be easy, but it’ll taste great.

Remember, there are only 3 reasons why you won’t be successful at something:

1. You don’t try new things…

2. You don’t learn from what you try. Or…

3. You give up.

Special Report – 7 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them:




Keep this in mind – I actually have it posted on the board here in my office right across from me. And don’t kid yourself – there are lots of days I need to look at it and read it over a few times, myself.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Free: 12 Special Marketing Reports – download ’em here

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listening to:

Ocean (Outtake) – Velvet Underground (1970)




