Year: 2007

  • I have a confession to make:

    You know how all these success gurus and industry leaders tell you to write down your goals? And that if you don’t write them down you won’t be a success? Well, I’m not one of them. I don’t write down my goals. I do write down action steps of things I need to do, and…

  • Who can argue with God?

    Erik Johnson, from Newark, California, has been a long-time offline newsletter subscriber of mine, and he also owns all my information products. Erik recently sent me this note: “Craig I was just watching CNBC’s “High Net Worth” and they were interviewing Sheldon Adelson (Forbes 3rd Richest Man in the World for 2007). When Sheldon Adelson…

  • Ken Cooper: The ULTIMATE Guru

    Here’s what happens when you’re able to tap into a huge nerve of your prospects, and develop a devoted and compliant following. Back in 1968, Dr. Kenneth Cooper wrote a book called Aerobics, that would forever change the lifestyle — and life-span — of the population of the world. (Think for a moment, how many…

  • Why newspapers ALWAYS sell.

    Ever wonder why newspapers sell? Or why people will listen to the nightly news over and over again, even when they somehow “sense” that not everything being reported may be true? The answer to both of these questions is actually one and the same. Do you think you know what it is? O.K., pause for…

  • Last day to get this — FREE Trial!

    Just to let you know, today and tomorrow will be the LAST chance you have to get this month’s offline Seductive Selling Newsletter. Here’s what David Lowery, from Tampa, Florida is saying about this newsletter: “In terms of what could be improved??? I struggle with this since you are exceeding my expectations of value already.…

  • This is what makes them tick…

    Today and tomorrow I’ll be out of pocket, so this is the last time you’ll hear from me until maybe this weekend, if not Monday. You see, today and tomorrow are days I’ve been looking forward to for quite some time. These are the two days my Mastermind group meets to discuss what’s been going…

  • Matt Damon vs. Sean Connery vs. Roger Moore

    A couple of months ago I saw the latest installment of The “Bourne” series with Matt Damon. This one was called Bourne Ultimatum, and as I mentioned a while ago, it was an excellent movie filled with intensity throughout. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I saw a movie where the entire time,…

  • Max, that’s the LAST thing you need.

    I want to finish telling you the story about my vacation in Orlando last week, but before I do that, here’s something interesting. Oh, and just to re-state what I said the other day, I fully realize a few people reading this may be offended. But… if the truth is offensive to you, believe me,…

  • Undress yourself to success.

    There’s one thing even the most timid person can do, that immediately increases your chances of persuading your prospects. That thing is, to tell them a story about yourself. Sounds too easy, right? But that’s it — that’s all you really need to do, and here’s why: People are inquisitive by nature, and even more…

  • Friday’s Finale: Be careful what you wish for…

    On Monday I’ll finish my story about my trip to Orlando. I’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback about the “lighter” e-mails on Friday so we’ll stick with these for a while. Here’s today’s story: An attractive young lady from New York City was so depressed she made up her mind to end her…

  • Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection: Genocide Waiting

    So last weekend I went up to Orlando for a few days of R & R with my wife and daughter. One of my sons joined us for one night, but my sons are old enough now that they’ve got lots of recreational and social activities (and girls) they are involved with, so as you…

  • Finally, a gift from Starbucks.

    If you were awake, then you noticed last week I did not send out too many e-mails. A few folks were wondering if anything happened to me, and the answer is “No.” I am, in fact, very alive and well and full of piss and vinegar. I was simply slammed with work and had lots…

  • A 44% Boost In NEW Leads

    I just finished writing this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter and sent it off to the printers, and it’s a real doozy. It’s called “The Pissed Off” issue, and believe me, you do NOT want to miss it. Here’s what Kevin Saffari, from Irvine, California had to say about last month’s issue: “Tell Craig I did…

  • The convincing business really DOES suck.

    Selling in print ISN’T easy, not by a long-shot. One of the biggest problems I constantly see when I am doing critiques – — is that lots of folks spend tons of time trying to convince their prospects why they should buy their product. Yesterday, I read — I kid you not — a…

  • The government’s got nothing on this extortion

    As you all know, this is a weird day, 9/11. There’s probably not a person reading this who doesn’t remember where they were on 9/11/01. And I for one, sure hope we get the hell out of Iraq and the Middle East, soon. But today I don’t want to dwell on things like this. I…

  • Friday’s Finale: The Old Postal Worker

    So it was George’s last day on the job as a postman, after nearly 40 years of delivering mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route, George was greeted by the whole family that lived there. They congratulated him and sent him on…

  • Announcing 2 Ridiculously Simple, New Business Breakthroughs:

    I meet a lot of people who are stumped for ideas. If you are one of them, then maybe this will help you. Here are a couple of new business ideas I recently stumbled across, that are nothing more than combinations of existing ideas, and even that is probably making things FAR more complicated than…

  • Lick this!

    By now, school’s probably back in session no matter where you live, right? And many businesses realize this is a great chance to capitalize on some serious selling. Remember — in life, perception is reality, and so lots of companies are trying (and in many cases, STRETCHING) to tie what they’re pimping to the “back…

  • Last Day — This Is IT!

    The amount of e-mails and faxes we get in here is staggering. But I recently received one e-mails that I thought you should know about: It was from Peter Kici — a loan officer out of Orlando, Floirda, and here’s what he had to say: “Hey Craig, First I just want to tell you the…

  • What kind of question does a $300 Million Dollar man ask?

    I get a lot of questions about this one. It’s something I’ve addressed many times, but admittedly, it’s confusing to say the least. So here goes… You know, one of the greatest headlines I’ve ever seen was in the form of a question. The question read, “Is This Food Dangerous To Your Health?” Why is…