Year: 2007

  • The one thing that IS easy.

    Lots of people struggle. Why? Well to be fair, let’s take a look at some of the different types of struggling there is out there. First, there’s just the ordinary struggle of “getting things done.” You know, life’s generally not easy, especially when you’re moving forward, and no doubt… sometimes things get in your way…

  • Another government ripoff… another great marketing idea.

    I was reading an unusual book recently, about the lottery business (Money For Nothing by Edward Ugel), and it’s quite an unusual business. Make no mistake — the state governments that sponsor these lotteries are thinking about everything BUT increasing educational funding. In fact, as a side note, did you know that lot-tery revenues don’t…

  • "sounds" good, but… this may be the worst advice you can get.

    How many times have you heard this one: “As long as you’re doing what you like, if you work hard, the money will follow.” Sounds nice, but this is about the worst advice you can get, and it’s also usually offered by well-meaning but VERY misinformed family members, friends and teachers, who are — for…

  • No one cares how much you know, until…

    There are literally dozens of ways to eliminate buyer’s remorse — so many in fact, you can probably put together an entire course just on this alone. But let me tell you about one of them today. The EASIEST thing to do is to just care about your clients, and let them know this by…

  • Ignorance is bliss. I guess.

    So last weekend I was up in Orlando in one of those mom-and-pop tourist shops. I was pretty astounded when I saw a sign in BIG BOLD letters right in the front when you walk in, that said “NO CASH REFUNDS.” I couldn’t believe someone would approach their business and be as concerned about their…

  • How to win (and how to lose) your next negotiation.

    Many people foolishly give up in a negotiation environment, before they’ve even sat down across the table from their “opponent.” Here’s why: A lot of who wins in the negotiating process, has to do with “power,” and who has it (and who doesn’t). But here’s a little secret about power, that’s going to help you…

  • HUGE Birthday Sale: For Implementers ONLY

    I’m not much of a guy for celebrating my birthday, because for the most part — every day is my birthday in the sense I’m living the life I want, doing what I want and who I want to do it with (and who not!). However, seeing the smile on my wife and daughter’s face,…

  • Last Day To Get In On This!

    Just a quickie message today — tomorrow be on the lookout for my Birthday Sale — and remember, you’re going to need to act quickly to take advantage of it. If you don’t already subscribe, today’s the last day to get your hands on this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter. Take a FREE 30-day test drive…

  • The truth about Halloween and Stingy Jack.

    Tomorrow’s Halloween here in America. I enjoy this holiday for a few reasons — one, is because it was always great to see my kids go trick-or-treating. Both of my sons have been too old to do this for a while now, but we all go as a family with my daughter, who’s still only…

  • What’s your courageous decision?

    Peter Drucker, who died at the ripe old age of 95 just a couple of years ago, was an influential business thinker, economist, and a university professor. Drucker was famous for a number of his theories, including: His theory about simplicity, which said, “Corporations tend to produce too many products, hire employees they don’t need…

  • I will DEFINITELY be one of these 26%. What about you?

    There are lots of reasons people are uncomfortable with getting old (or maybe I should say getting “older”.) Some of us are concerned about not having good health. The thought of being held hostage by your own body definitely is very disturbing. Others are concerned about losing friends and family and ending up alone, and…

  • If you’ve ever felt alone or lonely.

    Boy I know the subject line of today’s tip sounds somewhat morose, but it’s not. And I also know it took courage for you to open this e-mail, simply because the subject line IS somewhat intimidating. Well, kudos to you for being courageous — I’m going to do my darndest to make it worth your…

  • I never thought I’d be quoting her, but — Rachael Ray?

    I gotta be honest here — I never in a million years thought I’d be discussing, let alone quoting Rachael Ray, but you know, in life.. there’s a first time for everything I guess. Rachael Ray has her own syndicated talk show, she hosts two other programs on the Food Network, just stopped hosting two…

  • Honestly, NOTHING… really changes.

    Earlier this week 1,200 people got together out in Phoenix, Arizona, to attend the 97th annual conference of the Association of National Advertisers. Now before I tell you more of this story, stop for a moment and consider just how powerful that last sentence is. What a stronghold advertising has here in America! I mean,…

  • Messages come when you’re ready for them.

    In spite of my gruff exterior, there really aren’t too many things that get me irritated. Reason being, about 15 years ago I was in a client’s office one day and I noticed a plaque hanging on his wall. He was a recovering alcoholic and the plaque had part of The Serenity Prayer inscribed on…

  • Dirty job? Don’t laugh… it works in Texas.

    A long time ago when I was in elementary school, I had a weird experience that I still remember to this day. I’d been out sick from school one day, and the following day when I returned, when I walked into the room, many of the students were running around in a panic, while others…

  • New Interview Just Posted!

    My computer guy told me he just finished posting up another live interview I did with one of my clients. If you’ve been unsure about ordering one of my products or about getting involved with one of my coaching groups, then this interview may clear a few things up for you, or answer some questions…

  • Diet Pepsi… Planters Peanuts… Pimple Cream?

    Here’s something interesting: Down in South Beach in Miami, there are now vending machines for your pets. While you’re out strolling down the boardwalk melting into the sidewalk, you can grab a chew toy for your dog or some catnip for your cat, and even some Vaseline for your gerbils (just kidding about the Vaseline).…

  • Float like a butterfly, sting like whatever.

    Muhammad Ali was one of boxing’s most flamboyant and skilled athletes ever. His talent in the ring was also matched by his talent outside the ring, especially his ability to draw attention to himself by being outrageous and boastful, and by creating the Ali “character,” who was certainly larger than life, and larger than the…

  • Fight the power: smash the proverbial they.

    A few mornings ago I was listening to two guys pissing and moaning while I was working out at the gym. I usually have my headphones on and am pretty oblivious to all this kind of stuff, but these two guys were in classic “preacher” mode and so I turned the volume down on my…