“Discover What People All Over The World
Are Saying About Craig Garber!”
Here are just a few testimonials I’ve gathered up. You can find plenty more on any one of the individual web pages for any “Products and Services” listing.
Also, if you really want to know more about me, spend 25 bucks and get my book, How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers. Order it from us and you’ll also get Free Shipping and a Lifetime Guarantee.
Or, you can also order it from amazon.com. It’ll cost you a few bucks more, but if you feel more comfortable with amazon, then by all means, have at it.
“…more natural talent for writing direct response copy than anyone else I’ve ever met.”
“When I met you, you were a ’10’! I can’t imagine where you’ll be in the future.
I think you have more natural talent for writing direct response copy than anyone else I’ve ever met. I’ve never said this to anyone else. You are GREAT and actually, I think you might be better than me. You are a f*c$ing genius at this
Universally recognized as the “father” of modern-day direct-response copywriting and the world’s best copywriter, Gary was responsible for the following revolutionary and wildly successful promotions:
- Tova and Ernest Borgnine’s “Tova” Perfume!
- Nancy Kwan’s Pearl-Cream “Face-lift In A Jar!”
- The ancient heraldic coat-of-arms letter! (mailed over 60 Million times)
Gary Halbert – Miami, Florida (www.thegaryhalbertletter.com)
– Tom Foster, All Seasons Pest Control – Phelps, New York
“Craig understands the human mind and what makes a person buy, very well — almost too good — it’s actually kind of spooky.”
Let me tell you about one of the luckiest days of my life.
I was reading one of the world’s most famous copywriter’s newsletters, and he mentioned that he felt one of the best copywriters on the planet was a man named Craig Garber, and that he was located ay kingofcopy.com.
I had to go out and check the site for sure that this was real, what I was reading, and not some scam and a bunch of hype. So I went over there and checked the site out.
I read it, and re-read it. And I knew in my heart, because I’ve been around some of the best copywriters in the world, that I’ve paid an excess $ 75,000 for one mail campaign, that this guy knew what he was doing, so I decided to give him a call and check him out.
I checked him out forward, backwards, I tipped him upside down, and shook him to make sure that there was nothing going on illegal, or scamming, or the guy wasn’t bi-polar, depressed, or another flake that was going to take my money like the others did, and run off with it, never to be heard, or seen from again.
After I called and talked with him, I decided to hire him, he laid everything out, exactly what he was going to do,
I found him to be a very genuine person who was a hard working guy. e was very stable, unlike the others, he didn’t have any baggage, or, they’re on drugs, or who knows what these guys are on. He wound being the real deal and legit, the guy wound up being very accessible, He got back, he was very prompt, he was very polite, he cared about me and my business, and my customers.
Like I said, I know I’m repeating myself, but it bears repeating after working with many of the biggest-name copywriters in the world I really felt like I had struck gold to run into Craig Garber, because he was actually a genuine and hard working guy who did what he said he was going to do and more, when he said he was going to do it, and how he said he was going to do it.
As he got right into copy, he told me exactly how he was going to lay it out, he kept informed along the way, exactly how it was going, what was going on, not waiting till the eleventh hour to pull any crap on me, no surprises and apologies, he didn’t make excuses, he just got the project done.
He also called up the printing vendor, which I was having problems with, and worked out the details with him step-by-step trust me NOBODY would ever do this.
With other copywriters I’d try to make numerous calls, I’d send faxes, I’d send e-mails, never to get a response, which brings me to lost opportunity cost, using Craig Garber, the King of Copy, you wind up bringing in money that you would have never had, it would’ve been laying out there on the table, because your projects weren’t done on time, they weren’t in the mail, you couldn’t get the orders refilled.
Most importantly he has an incredible insight on how people think, how people react, and what makes them tick. He’s a great student of human nature, this man is constantly reading and staying updated on this, he’s able to get you very involved in your copy, to where your prospect’s going to feel like they know you, that you’re out for their best interests, and that you’re going to give them a guarantee by doing business with you, and that’s what Craig does when you do business with him.
He has a clear grasp of taking your features and turning them into incredible benefits, because after all, what people want is the benefits, “what’s in it for me?” If I pull out my checkbook and write a check for Craig Garber’s services am I going to get my money many times over, and yes, you will, because I have too.
his man’s been a pleasure to work with from the very beginning. He’s always helped me improve all my direct response ads, my website ads, my copy, postcards, it didn’t matter he did everything from A to Z in a way that compelled my readers to dig into their wallets and pull out their credit cards to order the fine product that I had to offer them to make their lives better.
Whenever I’ve dealt with Craig it’s always been in a very consistent manner, it’s never this bi-polar nut case, or he’s depressed, or having an off day — he dives into things and puts my needs first, and takes care of whatever product I’m trying to get out, on a timely deadline.
Even when I thought I had great direct mail pieces, I had Craig do critiques on them, and he always found little things to improve the responses and the pulling power.
The very first time I used him as a matter of fact we got a 7.2% response mailing out to a cold list. I have never EVER had that before, not by a long-shot, in fact, as far as I know, it’s unheard of.
Craig understands the human mind and what makes a person buy, very well — almost too good — it’s actually kind of spooky. He has an ability to get inside a persons head and be talking to them like that little voice on the side of your head right above your shoulder, and tells them why they should buy it and all the benefits they’re going to receive if they have your product.
Craig’s copy’s been so good that as I read it I burst out laughing thinking “Where does he come up with this stuff?” I mean it’s so good it makes me want to reach into my pocket and buy my very own products.
He’s extremely thorough on what it is you’re going to get when you make an investment in this particular product, he’s always been very reliable, and a good guy to work with.
Craig’s actually who he says he is and claims he is, instead of this world that’s full of posers out there claiming to be the best copywriters in the world and how they’re going to get you more business, and you know what to do with, but never deliver, and you know on the results, anytime Craig’s worked with me and something didn’t go the way I thought it should, or would, he was always willing with an open mind to look it over again and tweak whatever’s necessary to make it pull even that much better.
Craig has always been very committed to my success, he does whatever it takes to make the piece a winner, he does it every time, not some of the time, not hot “this” day and cold “that” day, he’s very consistent, and he’s not afraid to go down in the trenches with you and talk to spenders, and customers, or whatever it takes to find out exactly what they’re looking for that’s holding them back from making the decision to follow through.
You don’t have to remind him about stuff all the time, he’s on top of it, he’s very organized , when I ask him what happened to that one letter that he wrote, even if it was a year ago, he could pull it right up, he’s right on top of it, he says “What version do you want?”
It’s nice to be able to call a guy at will and get your call returned, instead of this faxing and not getting calls back months later, if ever at all, you don’t have to be chasing him all the time, he actually works with you and keeps you informed along the way.
Every time he gives me a timetable of when things are going to be done, it’s done when he says it is, like he says it’s going to be. It’s not any of this stuff where he gives it to me, and then I’ve got to fix it up or put it together, it’s always ready to go right to the printer and right into the mail.
He’s a very bright guy and he understands basically everything there is about direct-marketing, and salesmanship. He’s lived a life filled with experiences himself, so he has a lot of resources to dig upon, and he’s very likely to have been at one time in your shoes — you know, we all started somewhere, and we learned and grew from our experiences, some of them good, some of them bad.
By using Craig I’ve been able to eliminate a lot of my time wasting and my bad experiences with other copywriters. The thing I can tell you is that working with Craig is expensive, but it definitely has not been a cost, it’s been a wise investment, and I’ve reaped my investment back many times over, and I continue to do so.
I would highly recommend Craig to anybody who’s serious about taking their business to the next level in the quickest, fastest, most cost effective way possible.
Finally, I found the copywriter that I can work with for the rest of my career; he’s extremely thorough and reliable, the man is his word, when he tells he’s going to do something, it’s going to be done. Like I said before, it’s very refreshing to find someone so candid in this world full of posers and imposters, all these people acting like they’re the best copywriters, and in reality they’re broke, they’re weak, just seeing who they can scam next, so if you’re looking for somebody who’s very committed to your success, and who delivers HUGE results and does whatever it takes to make sure your piece will be a winner, then don’t hesitate to go ahead and get a hold of Craig Garber now, all you’ve got to do is do the same thing I did: Go to his website at kingofcopy.com, read what’s on there, you’ll know this man knows how to write great copy.
Then make the call, if he’s available, don’t hesitate, jump on the opportunity just like I did, and right now as you’re sitting down thinking about it, you could have your mail piece that much closer to your customers mail box, your prospects hand, and their checks coming in to your bank account right now.
All I can say is that I which I could have found Craig Garber ten years ago, and that would’ve saved me a lot of frustration and headaches, not to mention I could have made even millions more dollars than what I already have, not to mention the money I wouldn’t have wasted the millions of dollars that I have looking for a copywriter like him.”
Chet Rowland – Odessa, Florida – Chet has been mentioned by Dan Kennedy in several of his books as being one of the savviest and smartest direct-marketers in business today, and he’s made millions using my methods
“If I hadn’t been in Tampa and stumbled across your website and scheduled a day of consulting I certainly wouldn’t be where I am at today!”
Hi Craig,
THANKS!! As you are well aware..moving is a bit stressful… more so than I first imagined. I moved to the Asheville, NC area. I fell in love with this place about 3 years ago… I am more into hiking, kayaking, and recently picked up running ( I lost 15lbs..yippie). This definitely feels right…and I know that in order for me to be happy I need to be in a place that feels good!
haven’t wanted to bug you..but I am totally out of HOCOA and doing my contractor secret weapon thing with success. The housing market has made a bit of a negative impact..but it is still making me money and we just launched the association. I want to THANK you again..for getting me on track! If I hadn’t been in Tampa and stumbled across your website and scheduled a day of consulting I certainly wouldn’t be where I am at today. You gave me the permission to step out and do something totally different
and I will never forget you!
I bought a home that literally sits on top of a mountain with incredible views. I can see the city lights at night and in the day I can see as far as the eye. It is literally breathtaking. It’s quite and very tranquil…
If you and Anne (or the entire family) please let me know..you are always welcome in my home! Take Care…and Thanks again.”
Brian Deacon – Asheville, NC (See Brian’s incredible story here.)
“I knew you had the VERY unique ability to turn words into money for me — BIG money — in a way no one else could.”
“Craig, I’ve worked with you in so many different capacities, I don’t know where to begin, so let’s start at the beginning.
I had actually been a subscriber of yours online for a while, before we met in person at a weekend seminar. One thing that impressed me with you, prior to us even meeting — was that unlike everyone else I’d dealt with — you actually took the time to personally respond to an e-mail I sent you. I wanted to listen in on your teleseminar and I wasn’t available to make the time and when I sent you a question about this, you responded directly.
“What do you know?” I thought to myself — maybe this guy is for real
You confirmed this IMMEDIATELY when we met in person. In fact, within MINUTES of meeting you and hearing you speak (if you remember, we were introduced by a mutual friend), I knew I had to get my hands on every one of your products and somehow find a way to have you fit me into your schedule so I could become a client of yours.
I knew you had the VERY unique ability to turn words into money for me — BIG money — in a way no one else could.
So the following Monday morning, first thing, I subscribed to your Seductive Selling newsletter (which is BY FAR, the most incisive and comprehensive direct-response marketing newsletter out there today) and Audio Success CD of the month, I bought some coaching time with you, and I ordered a few of your CD’s (again, all of them are FILLED with first-class top-shelf marketing material). I also got your Seductive Selling System, which is packed with more useable marketing strategies and ideas for quick-turn sales copy ideas, than any other product I own.
Once we got on our call, you immediately identified some GAPING holes in my current marketing, and pointed out several other opportunities I was missing that were costing me a bundle, and you devised a plan I could use to easily fix all this. I knew I wanted to hire you so this project could really get taken care of correctly, and so we set up a time to discuss this as well, and when we got to it, you were very well prepared, again.
Even though you cost a small fortune to hire, and admittedly, it was difficult for me to swallow at first, I knew the money I was putting out wasn’t a cost, but an investment I’d recover swiftly, once we rolled out our promotion.
You didn’t let me down. Within four days of rolling out our project, we recovered 100% of the investment I made in hiring you. Not only that, but you went W-A-A-Y above board in handling some very unique needs and special circumstances we had in this particular case, and I know from prior experiences that NOBODY else would have gone to the same lengths you did, to help me. The quality of your work and the effort you put into taking care of me, and the overall experience I had with you, was second to none. (Plus, it didn’t hurt that we made a boat load of money on the deal, either.)
I’ve been a VERY successful entrepreneur going on 14 years now, and you are someone I want to keep in my own “circle of trust” for as long as I continue in business moving forward. I guess the proof is in the pudding in that the very FIRST thing my very skeptical partners (who are completely new to direct-response marketing and sales copy in general) told me when we finished discussing out next project, was “Make sure you get Craig Garber involved with this, right away.”
Craig,working with you has been nothing but a pleasure. Even though we haven’t known each other very long, oddly enough, I feel like you’ve been a life-long friend. Frankly — and I’m not saying this to make you feel good or anything — but even the subsequent FREE critique I got from you was much better than any other paid critique I’d gotten from anyone else, including Bill and Dan.
If you ever need a reference, or if someone is ever on the edge of the fence about working with you, or they foolishly are looking at the investment they’re going to be making, instead of the return on that investment they’ll be rewarded with, please feel free to have them contact me personally at jim@realestatelifestyle.com and I will be happy to let them know you are the real deal.
Thanks Craig, for everything. Best wishes,
Jim Canale” – Warminster, PA
“It will easily add an additional $250,000 in my pocket. ”
“I skeptically joined Craigs club thinking that it would be the same ole same ole copywriting B.S. I’ve studied closely with Kennedy, Carlton, and Jeff Paul. But hot damn, was I surprised! Craigs first critique of my Direct Mail piece blew me away!
It will easily add an additional $250,000 in my pocket.
On a personal note: every smart information marketer needs a secret Weapon no one knows about. Craig’s MY new secret weapon, and for the net benefits I’m getting out of Craigs Coahcing Club, I could EASILY justify paying $5000 Dollars a month to belong.
Bottomline: if you are serious about making more mMoney right now… and you need instant feedback… and want to seriously take your game to the next level, then you need THE KING OF COPY, Craig Garber.
At A MINIMUM, get in his coaching club… and if you are smart, you’ll get your hands on his Seductive Selling System It is one of the FEW investments you will refer to, over-and-over again, you will be able to use for MANY MANY marketing campaigns, LONG after you get it. In fact, it will easily pay for itself before you get your credit card bill!”
Ed O’Keefe – Chicago, IL – President of Dentist Profits
“I truly didn’t expect a complete marketing roadmap
that would keep me busy for the next year.”
“Craig, I wanted to take a second and sincerely say, THANK YOU! I haven’t been this excited about the results I’m achieving in my business in a long time and it’s all because of your coaching session.
The money I spent with you was the best investment I’ve made in myself and my business – ever! And lord knows, I’ve spent plenty of money on things that were supposed to help me improve my business. Books, tapes, seminars, clubs – you name it and I’ve spent money on it.
Unfortunately, all this stuff I was shelling out money for wasn’t doing anything but making me frustrated and leaving me discouraged. It seemed like everything was over hyped and contained very few concepts of real value that I could use. In fact, I was beginning to think the whole industry of coaching and consulting was a big joke.
Your coaching time made everything else I’ve ever done seem like child’s play. It’s amazing how powerful a couple of hours with the right person can be. In two short hours you gave me more concrete examples of things I could do and how to actually do them then I’ve been able to get after five years of looking everywhere else.
It was unreal how quickly and easily ideas of how to position and properly market my business came pouring out of your head. I was thinking I might leave your office with an idea or two (if I was lucky). I truly didn’t expect a complete marketing roadmap that would keep me busy for the next year.
I don’t usually write things like this and I’m not trying to suck up or kiss your ass. I just really just thought you should know, as a coach, you had a huge impact on me and my business. Thanks again, I can hardly wait until my next session! Best Wishes,”
Joe Trinkaus – Wesley Chapel, FL
“Now I’m even more excited about my decision to join the Maverick Marketers Coaching Club.”
“I’m getting ready to turn in for the night, but before I do I wanted to take a minute to dash off this fax and tell you how impressed I am by the critique you just did for my letter/flyer.
I wrote it a little while back, and have learned a few things since then. So I predicted to my wife a few of the items I thought you mught ding me for. And, sure enough… you did. But the rest of it is just full of great ideas and comments. It’s more than I expected.
This letter/flyer was just my starting point. I think I can envision the finish line – and now I’m confident that you can keep me on the track so I can get there! Thanks Craig
Now I’m even more excited about my decision to join your Mavericks Coaching Group”
About 6 weeks later, I received this fax from Norm: “First off, I know you’re busy and there’s no need to reply to this. But I always feel compelled to let you know how great I think your critiques are. You seem to immediately find the key issues that the whole thing hinges on. And they seem so obvious – once you point them out!
Also, thanks for the compliment on my copywriting. It’s not my goal to become a copywriter, but I can’t think of a more valuable skill to develop. And as a minimum, I want to be able to distinguish good copy writing from bad copywriting. Thanks again Craig.”
Norm Blankenship – Meadow Vista, CA
“…a lot of what I learned from you that day… has allowed me to quit my day job and now I work on my business full-time…”
“Don’t know if you remember me but over a year ago you gave me a 30-minute consultation. I couldn’t afford to extend for an extra half-hour but a lot of what I learned from you that day along with all the tips you provide, have allowed me to quit my day job and now I work on my business full-time.
You have no idea what an impact that has been. Thanks.
Fernando Cruz – Hoboken, NJ
“Man, where have you been all my life?”
“Look, bubba, we need to talk. I’ve got a serious bone to pick with you and frankly I’m gonna tell the world about it.
About this “critique” you sent me… I just got done reading. After gently sitting it down on my desk, taking a long slow sip of my Sumatra, caffeine-laced coffee and looking out of my picture window… I started thinking about what I was going to do to you the next time I see you.
Only one thing came to mind: A big fat “kiss” on your balding forehead!
Man, where have you been all my life? I am sitting here crying because I think of all those damn leads I’ve wasted and all the money I’ve missed out on because I didn’t meet you sooner. It’s all your darn fault. There you are, sitting on your dock, fishing, watching the sunset, hiding your skills away while guys like me are slaving and sweating over a cold computer keyboard banging away, getting carpal tunnel syndrome.
How dare you! That critique rocked. I am re-writing after I send you this fax!
Dude, that was a very targeted, straight on, no holds barred, butt kickin’ review that every closet copywriter needs.
To know I have you as an ace in the hole to review copy is worth every penny plus. Your review services are worth 5 times a month what I am paying. (Now don’t go and raise my prices for gosh sakes.)
Thanks dude, I will send you the rewrite to review. Oh, and that newsletter… it rocks. Way better and more useful than other copywriting and marketing newsletters. The Camtasia DVD was really cool — it’s like having you in my computer on demans, 24/7/365. All I do is press play and you’re at my beck and call. Best wishes,”
Matt Gillogly – Charlotte, North Carolina
“He is fully in control of his time, his income, and how he chooses to live. The fact that he wants to assist 5 other people to make this happen in their life, says a lot to me about his character and his abundance mindset. He doesn’t hold back his ‘secrets’, and instead shares them freely.”
“I’ve been involved in direct marketing for a while now. One of the things that is the most difficult, is to navigate all the hype and find people that really deliver. And even more important, to combine that with someone who will give you “face time” access other than fax machines and the occasional email, and most of all that actually gives a damn if you succeed.
I finally found one of those rare individuals in the direct marketing community in Craig Garber, and I am excited to be the first person to POUNCE on the opportunity to have him as my mentor.
I’m currently in both a coaching program and a mentoring program with very well known direct marketers who are recognized as top copy writers and marketing geniuses, and while I have learned a lot from them, I realize, what I will gain with Craig’s personal attention will be light-years beyond anything I would gain from these other programs.
This more than just picking his brains to improve my copywriting (although you can bet I will), this is about learning the nitty-gritty of what really works and what doesn’t, this is about joining him in the top tier of the direct marketing world, and creating the kind of business and lifestyle that 99% of people only dream about.
No mistake here, this will involve work combined with desire, a solid plan, and the right mindset. And I know I can count on Craig to keep me moving forward and minimize my mistakes, as well as helping me shortcut the learning process in a huge way.
I had a one day mastermind meeting with Craig in March, and I have seen firsthand what he has created in his business and life. I also got an amazing amount out of that one day, and can only begin to imagine what a year with him would be like.
He is fully in control of his time, his income, and how he chooses to live. The fact that he wants to assist 5 other people to make this happen in their life, says a lot to me about his character and his abundance mindset. He doesn’t hold back his ‘secrets’, and instead shares them freely.
You really want to make a difference in your business and your life? I can’t think of anyone better to get you there. Do it NOW, invest in yourself. You’ll be glad you did.”
Craig Eubanks – San Francisco, California
“”Craig has been incredibly responsive to the critiques requests I keep launching in his direction. His feedback has been invaluable. His response times are fast which is exactly what I needed at this stage. His ideas on my general marketing strategy for key projects are spot on.”
“I am at the point in our relatively new business where I have a truckload of new ideas that we are getting ready to launch over the next few months. Some of these concepts have the potential to make a LOT of money and I wanted to make sure I launched them so I maximized my profit potential.
I realised that it’s the SMALL details in a marketing strategy or the LITTLE thing I got wrong in a sales letter that could make the BIG difference in creating LOTS of profits.
All the other mentoring programmes I had seen around made it obvious you got GROUP attention but not enough PERSONAL access to the expert for what I needed at this stage. When I came across Craig’s programme, I knew that it was what I was looking for and signed up immediately
I already knew he was good copywriter because another UK marketer I know personally had used his services with profit producing results.
Since we have started working together, Craig has been incredibly responsive to the critiques requests I keep launching in his direction. His feedback has been invaluable. His response times are fast which is exactly what I needed at this stage. His ideas on my general marketing strategy for key projects are spot on.
If you have the opportunity to work with Craig and you have a reasonable profit making opportunity, just do it.”
Nick Devine – Gloucestershire, England
“Craig, I Love You!”
“I have a great membership product with an extremely high retention level. Once a member has signed up to my site, they generally stay a member for a long time. With this in mind, I offer a 7 day free trial membership. My problem is to get someone to sign up even for the free trial membership. It is not as easy as it sounds! My proven method, is to get email addresses of visitors to my site in order to sell to them via a series of a high quality email course.
Previous to my call with Craig, I was getting a conversion rate of unique visitors to signups of about 20-30%. After my phone call and a few simple changes to my copy, this shot right up to between 45-60%! The most amazing thing, was that this was after just 30 minutes!”
And most important, the IMMEDIATE impact of my signups (new paying members), went from 1.02% to 2.3%. Craig, I Love You!”
Ben Shaffer – Kenton, England
“Craig, I Love You!”
“I have a great membership product with an extremely high retention level. Once a member has signed up to my site, they generally stay a member for a long time. With this in mind, I offer a 7 day free trial membership. My problem is to get someone to sign up even for the free trial membership. It is not as easy as it sounds! My proven method, is to get email addresses of visitors to my site in order to sell to them via a series of a high quality email course.
Previous to my call with Craig, I was getting a conversion rate of unique visitors to signups of about 20-30%. After my phone call and a few simple changes to my copy, this shot right up to between 45-60%! The most amazing thing, was that this was after just 30 minutes!”
And most important, the IMMEDIATE impact of my signups (new paying members), went from 1.02% to 2.3%. Craig, I Love You!”
Ben Shaffer – Kenton, England
“…generated a landslide of responses”
“Craig is one of those rare guys who is tends to underpromise and overdeliver. In my case, we were simply exploring different ways Craig might be helpful to me and my company. We did this through an exchange of emails. One of them included some dynamite copy Craig gave me to try out. I did it and it generated a landslide of responses – really one of the better ad responses we’ve had.
hen, I had a wishlist of ideas to brainstorm with Craig and, through one fast-moving hour, we covered it. When you want an outside the box, valuable coach, give Craig a shot – money well invested.”
Jeffrey S. Zavik, CEO and founder, Immuno Laboratories, Inc. Pompano Beach, Florida
“…generated a landslide of responses”
“Craig is one of those rare guys who is tends to underpromise and overdeliver. In my case, we were simply exploring different ways Craig might be helpful to me and my company. We did this through an exchange of emails. One of them included some dynamite copy Craig gave me to try out. I did it and it generated a landslide of responses – really one of the better ad responses we’ve had.
hen, I had a wishlist of ideas to brainstorm with Craig and, through one fast-moving hour, we covered it. When you want an outside the box, valuable coach, give Craig a shot – money well invested.”
Jeffrey S. Zavik, CEO and founder, Immuno Laboratories, Inc. Pompano Beach, Florida
“Always a great joy to me to come across one of the “next generation” of ad writers who really has some ability…”
“Your ad copy has ALL the elements of GREAT Sales Copy … even sounds a little like the “Truck Drivers Stink” ad I wrote 15 years ago (selling air purifiers for tractor cabs). If I were going to use it, I would use it to show people that you can even write great ad copy for less than wholesome purposes. — “Here’s how a real ad writer would write a great ad even for an illegal service. — See if you can catch all of the ingredients necessary to writing killer ad-copy.
By the by, I signed-up for your newsletter … got the first issue … GREAT stuff. Always a great joy to me to come across one of the “next generation” of ad writers who really has some ability … most of them are only hack copycats. You have a talent on par with many of my peer group … Kennedy, Halbert, Alexander. Pleased to meet you. Keep well, Jim”
J.F. (Jim) Straw, Dalton, GA
“In hindsight, if I would have paid twice his fees, from my standpoint, it would have been a steal.”
“Every company or individual I have worked with did not have a real understanding of what good copy is. For instance, the look of the piece was all important to them as opposed to the copy or layout. I was very disillusioned about marketers in general due to their total lack of understanding the subtle nuances that go with marketing and copy. The success of the campaign did not seem to be important to them. This was very exasperating for me. There was no real intense interest in learning about my business and my clients.
Craig actually has a structure to attacking a campaign. For example, the size of the letter was substantially larger than anything I had ever done before. The specific promo piece we did first was a letter to my existing clientele and we were asking for a $2,000.00 dollar purchase subscription. The detail that Craig showed was truly outstanding on the flow of the letter and the layout and where specific words like “and” and “now” should go or
what should be bulleted and emphasized and what should be subliminally communicated.
I initially sought out Craig to just write 1 promo piece and it just grew form there. I did interview as many as 20 different copy writers but Craig was by far the most competent and exacting in his observations of my business during the interview. I was down to 2 writers from 20 and there was just no comparison between Craig and the other candidate. My choice was real easy.
His attention to detail is so acute. It is such a comfort to be associated with someone who cares about my success as much as I do. For example, as our letter was at the printers, Craig realized that on our order form, we should feature our 100% money back guarantee. Yes, he had already featured it by making the lettering bold, but what he came up with at the last minute was to make a huge box on the order form stressing the money back guarantee. He called me up and had my staff interrupt me at a client meeting to say “STOP THE PRESSES, we need to modify our order form before we go to press.”
It was at that moment that I was truly sold on this guy. Here it was, probably 8 pm and he is still thinking about MY project. It was a feeling of being taken care of in a way that I have never been before by any of my previous marketers/writers.
I found Craig very reliable as to when he would get things done for me. For example, in working with our printer, Craig made himself so available to make sure that every aspect of the letter was in the format that he so precisely wanted it to be.
I found Craig very good to collaborate with in formulating the actual format of my offer. His insights were quite astute for someone who had never even been to my business. He had the best “feel” for my business in my whole 22 years experience working with marketers and copy writers.
His zeal to learn was infectious for me. He literally got me excited about my business again, in that I was able to forget my money woes and totally focus on marketing and sales. I guess I finally felt understood, by someone in the marketing/copy field which is truly the most important facet of my business.
There were many times I would receive a call form Craig when a “lightbulb” would go off in his head and he would bounce it off me. That was such a great feeling for me. I thought I was the only one in the world that was intensely excited about my business but what a great feeling to have my copy writer actually have as much or more intensity than me!
I would definitely recommend Craig to people that want to develop a long term relationship with a good marketer/copywriter.
I stress long-term only, because, Craig puts so much into his work that he invariably can’t deal with “wham bam thank you ma’m” type copy.
What I mean here is that, he truly goes to bat for his client but it is nothing but a long term investment for Craig (whether he knows it or not). For example he gave me a quote to do our first promo together which I agreed on, but what I found is that the project grew so huge that it turned out to be a 19 page letter with another 11 reports written by Craig as give-aways to our customers.
Craig was the one to come up with all the extras that he thought were necessary to sell our subscription. I truly was not expecting all the extra bonus reports.
Long story short here, is that I got way more than what I paid for.
Craig was so willing to stand behind his work that he said he would write up to 3 pieces if the promo didn’t work. That was an offer I just couldn’t refuse.
Craig up-front fees aren’t cheap — but when it comes down to it, I got more bang for my buck than I ever could have imagined,
d certainly a lot more than any other marketer has ever given me.
I’ve never worked with anyone, in any capacity, which has ever done more for the money I’ve paid them. In hindsight, if I would have paid twice his fees, from my standpoint, it would have been a steal.
Craig came up with ideas that no one else had ever suggested.
For example, in tandem with our mailer, Craig suggested that we do a faxed press release to all the newspapers. He also added a “lift letter” to our mailer.
Before the mailer was mailed out Craig already had a strategy for back end sales to the people that took advantage of our offer. He basically set up an event at which I could charge $199.00 to an event about 3 months after our mailer!
Craig actually interviewed 10 of my customers, just to get a feel for what motivates our customer base to buy my product. From his conversations with my customers, Craig was able to hit the emotional hot buttons in his copy.
For example, one hot button that I didn’t know was high on the list for my customers and that Craig found out was that they loved the exclusivity of our product and service that we offered.
Craig right away saw that my pricing was way out of wack and strongly urged me to raise my prices substantially.
Throughout the whole process, I found that Craig treated me as though I was his only customer.”
Lino DiFelice, Vintages Wines – Fort Collins, Colorado
“Craig’s copy is compelling and it sells like crazy.”
“Craig Garber is truly a rarity in the world of copy writers.
Instead of trying to impress people with his writing style, he makes his writing almost seem invisible. What I mean by that is you can’t help but become lost in the story and before you know it, WHAM! You’re smack dab in the middle of a brilliantly crafted sales message that practically forces you to buy.
Craig’s copy is compelling and it sells like crazy.
One evening, before I went to bed, I e-mailed Craig with an idea I thought he could use for an ad he was writing for me.
The next morning I woke up and found no less than THREE revisions of my ad in my e-mail inbox. When I read the first revision, I was floored. He had improved my original ad so much I could hardly believe it.
Then I opened revision #2, it was even more compelling than the first.
By the time I had finished reading revision #3, I was ready to whip out my credit card and buy my own book.
NOBODY has ever worked that hard on a project for me — Craig worked all through the night!
Later, he told me this is how he works best. When he gets the “spark”, he has to get it out of his head and on to a legal pad. By the way, with that final revision he wrote, the average order went from $46.45 to $127. That’s a 273% increase!
I urge anyone without hesitation to hire Craig and take advantage of his cash producing copy.”
Dan Schulz – New York, New York

However, this all changed later (and I’ll tell you in just a minute “how” it changed).
My expectations were exceeded, as Craig provided my client with detailed feedback on what, why, and how he was doing something that negatively affected his business and his sales.
Furthermore, Craig’s creative business model, marketing, and product delivery concepts were excellent, and will prove quite profitable for my client once implemented.
Also, my prior concerns about feeling as if we were “bothering” him by requesting his services, had dissolved within the first 15 minutes of the consultation.
Craig was very professional, and built solid rapport with both myself and my client. His insight today strengthened our confidence in his ability to grow my client’s business and sales revenue two-fold… at least. 😉
I would definitely recommend Craig to other clients of mine, assuming they could afford his service rate.
Craig appears to be rather expensive from an “upfront” point of view, but is quite affordable from a total ROI point of view.
His tell-it-like-it-is style is quite refreshing, and will ultimately help my client put components in place that will yield solid, profitable results – no doubt.
I especially like his offline newsletter concept, as it will help build perceived value and strengthen my client’s relationship with his audience (thus lead to more sales and revenue). The high-value bundled bonus package concept was “killer” as well, as it should help increase conversion rates and overall perceived value.
He understands my client’s target market extremely well, as he has a strong background in the financial services market himself. This allowed Craig to immediately tap into the emotional mindset of my client’s audience, and allow us to craft a laser-sharp marketing message and system to accommodate their wants and needs.
I liked the fact that Craig emphasized to my client that his number one priority is to be a marketer, and not a stock trader or analyst. I had attempted to explain this to my client before myself, but was never really sure if he fully understood my reasoning. After hearing Craig today, I firmly believe that he now understands the vital importance of this thought process, and will hopefully take Craig’s advice to heart and put it into practice.
Marty Crawn, “The JV Profit Enforcer” – Randolph, New Jersey
“…not only an extremely talented copywriter, he has a unique ability to deliver creative solutions to some of business’s biggest challenges in a way that produces quantifiable results.”
“In nearly 40 years of consulting with some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations, and training hundreds of consultants around the world, I’ve either seen it or heard it all.
But in one short conversation with Craig Garber, he shared more real, practical… and most importantly, useable ideas on how to position, market and grow a business than any three of the most recognizable “gurus” in the business.
Craig is not only an extremely talented copywriter, he has a unique ability to deliver creative solutions to some of business’s biggest challenges in a way that produces quantifiable results.”
Martin Howey – Phoenix, Arizona
“Just one idea Craig gave me has increased my net profit by 43%!”
“During the two and a half intensive hours of conversation I had with Craig – I learned (and re-learned) more about copy than I have over the last 12 years.
For example: Just one idea Craig gave me has increased my net profit by 43%!
His grasp of which words move people into action — is so comprehensive, so damned obvious (“Why didn’t I think of that before?”) and so easily explained —
that you’ll just want to slam down the phone and get re-writing that very instant.
I know — I did! If you need to know more, just e-mail me : peter@peterthomson
Peter Thomson – Leamington Spa, United Kingdom – Editor and Publisher, The Achievers Edge\
www.theachieversedge.com (Peter is also Nightingale-Conant’s most prolific and widely-published author and speaker in the United Kingdom.)
“…we were able to start making some smart changes to several pages on our web site 20 minutes after we finished talking with him”
“We asked Craig Garber to review some pages on our web site.
We felt we had some good “stuff” but we are always interested in making good things better.
Based on Craig’s tips and ideas, we were able to start making some smart changes to several pages on our web site 20 minutes after we finished talking with him.
The best lesson we learned – you can be an expert in your business, but that doesn’t necessarily make you an expert copy writer! It is a special skill – but with Craig’s insights, easy to apply once your light bulb gets lit!
Don Schwerzler – Atlanta, GA – Founder, Family Business Institute
“My investment with Craig was repaid within 2 months and I continue to benefit every single day from implementing his suggestions.
I got much more than I expected.
Craig definitely thinks outside the box and came up with ideas I never would have thought of on my own. He also understands my prospects very well. One simple suggestion he made instantly increased my response by 5%.
“…resulted in an immediate increase in my sales of 5%”.
Last week I flew into Florida from Ireland, just ahead of Hurricane Wilma, to see Craig, as I had a few hours left on my web site review contract. We met at his home/office and what a home it is, right on a lake, but no sign of any alligators this time though.
We spent a few hours working through my site. I noted 25 changes I need to make to various parts of my site.
A previous change I made on Craig’s advice resulted in an immediate increase in my sales of 5%. I know because I use split testing to monitor every change I make to the site.
By the way I really enjoyed the bananas from your tree. I have never ever seen a real banana tree before never mind get one from the owner.”
I would definitely recommend Craig. He’s expensive, but then again, good people don’t come cheap.
red Crowe – Dublin, Ireland Speech-Writers Inc., www.speech-writers.com
“I hadn’t reframed the pitch, dug back into the basics and cut out all the redundant stuff (it’s less than half the length it was originally),I’m positive it would have bombed big time.”
Craig, thanks again for all the advice, I really appreciate all the help.
It definitely made a difference. Your ripping my copy apart literally forced me to get back to the “basics” and reframe my entire sales pitch.
And that – I can say with 100%
certainty – made a gigantic difference.
Not just with that letter but with all the other stuff I ahve done since.
In fact, if I hadn’t reframed the pitch, dug back into the basics and cut out all the redundant stuff (it’s less than half the length it was originally), I’m positive it would have bombed big time.
Thank you for everything Craig.”
Ben Settle, Copywriter – East Dundee, IL
“… Craig can write winning promotions for any business.”
I have been in direct response marketing since 1996 and writing copy for my products is the lifeblood of my business. I have only met a handful of copywriters over the past 7 years who I would trust to write copy for my business. Craig Garber is one of those copywriters.
Craig is great at plowing through the research and finding the right “hook” to grab your prospects by the lapels and get them into the copy.
He also always finishes jobs by the deadline, which very few other copywriters can claim.
I’m confident Craig can write winning promotions for any business.”
“Doberman” Dan Gallapoo – Barberton, Ohio
“Craig’s ideas were unbelievable, he seemed to be brimming with opportunities and ideas I had not even thought of.”
“Craig was great to speak to about my project. He really showed enthusiasm for the idea and had some good insights into the basics of what I was trying to achieve. He answered every question, until I was satisfied with my understanding of the message he was trying to teach me.
I was never rushed and felt really at ease speaking to Craig.
I contacted Craig initially for some help with my sales material, not only did he give me an amazing insight and practical advise for this, but he went on to advise with marketing methods and possible areas to consider, which I never would have thought of. I got far more than I expected.
The sales copy review was hard-hitting. Craig emphasized the need for more direct call to action from the material. It was also lacking in a basic story and compelling message, not only did Craig point this out, but explained at great length, how to find and use these ideas in the copy.
The most important lesson I learned from Craig’s review, was that I could write a decent sales copy, by following his guidelines and taking care with my story.
Craig’s ideas were unbelievable, he seemed to be brimming with opportunities and ideas I had not even thought of. A lot of his suggestions were simple and yet inspiring, he opened my eyes to possibilities I hadn’t thought of.
I would definitely recommend Craig to anyone looking for advice with copy and marketing. Not only was his advice helpful, but practical and achievable, even for me.
I know that some of his ideas will be a success when I use them, and I am very confident that Craig’s recommendations will help in my copy and marketing.
would be honoured to get the chance to work with Craig in the future. He gave me 10 times what I paid for and is a great guy to speak to.”
Ian Kelley, English Delights – Blackpool, UK
“Craig’s attitude and commitment to my project exceeds all my expectations.”
“First of all, Craig takes complete responsibility for the project, and in this day and age, that’s such a rarity I especially appreciate the fact that Craig pays attention to small but nonetheless important details.
Craig went above the call of duty to when writing the copy for us. First, he wrote a 26-page killer sales letter for us which in my opinion is absolutely fantastic. Then he thought of a better approach and so he bangs out a different, but equally compelling sales letter for us.
Over the course 2 weeks, he continually tweaked and improved the details of the copy.
It has been proven that changing just one word in an ad copy can triple the response, so these small improvements to the copy are crucial. But that’s not all. Craig proceeded to reformat the sales letter into a full-page and half-page newspaper and magazine ad.
It has been proven that changing just one word in an ad copy can triple the response, so these small improvements to the copy are crucial. But that’s not all. Craig proceeded to reformat the sales letter into a full-page and half-page newspaper and magazine ad.
I am confident in the work Craig did for us, and on top of that, I felt very important to him.
What impresses me most is Craig’s ability to weave words into sentences that will trigger the emotional hot buttons of our prospects. This is something that only an extraordinary wordsmith can achieve.
One of the advantages of hiring a world class copywriter is he or she will do complete, thorough research, leaving no stones unturned. Craig studied our product and target audience and came up with facts and information that eluded even me.
And because of the extensive research Craig conducts, he is able to go inside the prospect’s mind and know the fear, anger and frustration that keeps them awake at night.
Also, I have always been able to reach him via phone and emails. Craig’s attitude and commitment to my project exceeds all my expectations.”
Ryan Tang – Express Generic, Singapore
“My highest recommendation in copywriting and marketing.”
“Craig recently worked on my ad — which has been running for several years in a very competitive area. I spend millions on these ads and it’s difficult to come up with new content.
In no time at all, Craig came up with loads of great new ideas. Brilliant stuff.
I now work regularly with Craig to develop new ideas. Apart from writing great copy, Craig also has a terrific grasp of the marketing process as a whole.
I know I can quickly get good feedback on my ideas, lots of extra new ideas, and great copy whenever I need it.
My highest recommendation in copywriting and marketing.”
Rob Hawkins – Director, Chiltern Ltd. – England
“You really ARE the “King Of Copy”…”
“You really ARE the “King of Copy!”
– and not just copy, but of blending copywriting with skillful marketing too. Your copy has a tinge of Gary Halbert, while your marketing-speak reminds me of Jay Abraham. I leave it to your clients to guess what kind of explosive mix they might end up with a combination of the two greats! Thank you for an awesome special report.”
Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian – Chennai, India
“His ability to focus on important goals and surpass everyone’s expectations are an inspiration to me.”
“I have known Craig for more than 30 years, and I can tell you now, his life has not been an easy one. I consider myself fortunate that I have never had to experience some of the hardships he has suffered.
I also consider myself fortunate to have been there to watch him
overcome ALL those hardships.
His ability to focus on important goals and surpass everyone’s expectations are an inspiration to me.
He has never been afraid to express his true feelings about things and people, and sometimes when those feelings were not pleasant, he has always taken the time to present the harsh reality in non-judgemental terms.
The most salient characteristic of Craig’s personality is that he NEVER says “do it my way”. He never injects his opinion about how to do something; he just takes action, and for those of us who are smart enough to take notice, we learn by watching him.
Also, one thing that endears him to you is, on many occasions, when I have seen Craig realize he cannot go at it alone – he is not too proud to ask for help.
I am grateful for the continued opportunities I have to see Craig in action. Truly, he is a person who leads by example.”
Bob Covello – Yonkers, N.Y.
“…nobody else teaching the same critical marketing elements”
“Your article today was the most valuable you have written.
There is nobody else teaching the same critical marketing elements in new examples every time they post an article.”
Ewen Vile – Auckland, NZ
“I know genius when I see one… and YOU are a genius”
“I know genius when I see one… And YOU are a genius. In 30 minutes, you gave me more USABLE information, knowledge and advise than 10 other books I had bought and read in the past.
I thought you’d get into copywriting, but you also drilled down on some specific marketing techniques that I hadn’t even thought of.
Not only you gave me advice, you also gave the courage to stick in there.
Honestly, you are the working man’s copywriter.
You are no nonsense (like Gary Halbert), easy to understand, and sharp as a tack (like Gary Bencivenga)!!! And that’s the honest to God’s truth.
You are a “street smart salesman’s copywriter”.”
Edward Allen – Los Angeles, California