Announcing Craig Garber's...
It's been said by many a successful entrepreneur, that if all the money in the world was collected today, and redistributed evenly amongst all 6 and a half billion people living in it tomorrow, that within a short time period -- even less than one year...
If You Have Money NOW... You Will Have
Nearly Total Control Over It, Once Again!
Conversely, those who don't have it today... don't have a snowball's chance in hell of keeping it for tomorrow, either.
The answer to the question of "why" this would happen, lies in two words that mean EVERYTHING to successful people -- especially "self made" men and women -- yet these same two words mean absolutely NOTHING to the "have nots" of the world. And those two words are:
"Educated Knowledge"
See, while you can learn a TON of facts that "might" somehow help you get through school, only "educated knowledge" -- the wisdom of experience carefully laid down in books... and the words and impressions recorded onto Audio tapes and CD's -- gives you ALL the secrets you need to transform yourself from a burn-out into a billioniare, changing your life dramatically along the way!
Napoleon Hill referred to this as the principle of "specialized knowledge" -- one of the 17 principles ALL successful people have in common, which Hill discussed in his 1937 landmark book, "Think And Grow Rich."
And let's face it, there isn't any college or trade school here on God's green earth, that's going to give you even one-tenth of the inside secrets and specialized knowledge that successful entrepreneurs have already laid down for you to absorb, in the books and media that's already out there.
But which books should you read, and who should you be studying and listening to?
Wouldn't it be great if you had a "Master Directory" that pointed you in the right direction, telling you which books and courses to immediately get your hands on and start pouring through... and maybe even more important -- which ones to avoid like the plague because all they're doing is WASTING your precious time?
I've just released this "Master Directory", and it's called the "COMPLETELY UNCENSORED Magic Marketing Research And Resource Guide."
You see, because I am a VORACIOUS reader, tearing through well over two dozen books a year, and probably twice as many magazines as that -- not to mention being a HUGE consumer of a VARIETY of information tapes, audio CD's and DVD's -- and because I'm not afraid to give you an open and honest opinion about what I've learned -- I'm in an excellent position to pass along these raw and uncensored opinions to you.
This guide will save you literally DOZENS OF HOURS of research time and effort, and hundreds of dollars on wasted items that weren't any good in the first place, by answering a slew of questions you probably have, NOW, before you go out and make all your mistakes and waste your time and money buying the WRONG information.
This book contains reviews of 75 different books, magazines, courses, newsletters, and Audio and Video programs, each one of them purporting to give you food information.
Reality is,
Some Do... And Some Don't!
But unfortunately, without having this COMPLETELY UNCENSORED Magic Marketing Research And Resource Guide, the only way to find out whether this is true or not, is by spending your hard-earned money -- and gambling away your ever-decreasing "free" time -- reading through and listening to this information first-hand.
Now if you happen to stumble across a winner, then great -- your money and time was well-spent.
But what happens when what you were hoping was the holy grail information, turns out instead, to be yet another hyped-up disappointing "dud"?
Then all your left with, is a bag of disappointment and another 10 hours of your life STOLEN away from you with nothing to show for it but another notch on your bookshelf.
Great, right? Just what you need.
Well, by getting your hands on the COMPLETELY UNCENSORED Magic Marketing Research And Resource Guide, you can rest assured, your time and your money will never EVER be wasted again.
This manual is all meat and no filler (meaning, no goofy pictures or time-wasting quotes). Here's just a small sampling of what's inside this revealing and insightful manual:
If you're a student of direct-response, then no doubt, you've already heard of Dan Kennedy. But which one of Dan's products should you start with, and which one's should you go out of your way to find? Discover some of Dan's little "secret" products and find out how the information in them, gives you short-cut after short-cut, and how to get your hands on them without paying through the nose!
Why some marketers have skinny kids and shaky hands! Discover the only "health maintenance" program for your business that works! (And it ain't some stinkin' HMO!)
Uncover the best way to absorb and understand all the information you're processing. There is ONE way to make sure what you're learning, actually sinks in to that thick skull of yours, and I'll tell you exactly what it is!
Discover WHERE and HOW to buy your information products: Uncover the little-known hideaways few people are aware of! And find out where to go, to save yourself a bundle while you're at it!
Hard-hitting reviews of Direct-Response Marketing books, courses and videos, not seen anywhere else!
Revealed: Some of the very best general "Selling" books out there! And after all, if you don't get your hands on every single chunk of good selling information there is out there -- anything else you learn, is meaningless!
“I just finished reading your Magic Marketing Research and Resource Guide this afternoon. WOW … this resource is worth more than the asking price! The information that you have painstakingly researched and presented will save me hours of valuable time not to mention money. I literally couldn’t put it down once I started reading it. Your honest approach and assessment of the resources in the marketplace is invaluable. As soon as I finished reading it I immediately went and ordered a couple of books from the resources that you mentioned. This is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to invest in their business and future. Wow….I needed this resource about a year ago..where were you hiding?" Brian Deacon - Tampa, Florida |
"This is not a product for everyone. But when you guard your time as fiercely as I do -- and you want the honest truth about whether that 'hot' marketing book or course is really worth the investment -- this guide is priceless. It's like 'Consumer Reports' for marketing educational materials. I find it fascinating to learn what resources other top marketers are using ... and, Craig, you've certainly helped me re-prioritize my mountain of reading materials." Jenny Hamby - Chicago, IL |
Discover 7 Unknown Classics you have probably NEVER heard about before!
Find out which copywriting books actually "teach" you something, and which ones are nothing but recycled garbage and sales hype! And... you'll finally uncover the one copywriting manual I learned more stuff from than ALL the others -- and yet, I've never seen ANYONE recommend it!
Find out which one of the "old time" famous copywriters is my favorite and why! There is ONE particular writer who I've learned more from, and whose style is most suited to sucking cash out of the common man's wallet, than any other -- get your hands on these books before ANY others and learn his secrets NOW!
Find out which book has the famous "hotel room upgrade" trick Anne and I have personally used to get our hotel rooms upgraded, on several different occasions! You'll be shocked at HOW simple this trick is and which author came up with it!
Discover a little-known GOLDMINE of a book, written by Ted Nicholas, that is virtually obsolete! If you use direct mail, you most certainly want to put this one on your watch list!
Cut through all the "B.S." and find out WHICH personal growth, success, and business development books really have something to offer, and which ones are nothing more than namby-pamby new age bullshit!
We're all in a constant daily battle against all the negative energy that's out there waiting to suck the life out of you. And if you don't pro-actively go out of your way to shield yourself against it, then you're going to succumb to it! Find out which resources will help you... and which ones are simply adding to the problem!
You may NOT be ready to read one of the greatest "success" books of all time -- find out why, and how you'll know -- one way or another!
Which controversial modern-day classic should be required reading as your first book of "selling", BEFORE you ever get into sales?
I'll spill the beans about the book that taught me the most VALUABLE lesson I ever learned about raising my children, and oddly enough, the book had nothing to do with parenting -- it was a best-seller that had to do with profiling Millionaires!
What is the best "wealth attraction" system out there, and why! You'll see why money doesn't care if you're a priest or a pornographer, and what to do about this!
Avoid wasting your time on this one, written by a famous copywriter, whose other works really kicked ass!
You're not going very far without the right mindset... the right attitude... and the right belief systems about success, so I've devoted an entire section to works in this category!
Discover which books will nourish your mind with messages filled with abundance and succes, and which books are simply full of malarky!
Most of the time, the system or course that a book back-ends into, is at least as good as, or even better than, the actual book itself. On page 40, find out which well-known course absolutely SUCKS, even though the book wasn't too bad!
Here's a classic book written in 1911, that had a PROFOUND impact on me, and actually gave me "permission" to succeed! Find out which book it is, and where you can get a copy of it -- for FREE!
One of the most refreshing and vibrant things you can do to stimulate your creativity and clear your mind, is to read some good fiction books, or some non-fiction books that DON'T have anything to do with marketing or business. I've included a whole section of them to put on your hitlist, so hop to it!
Read this book ONLY if you are a first-generation college graduate or successful professional, and if you want to put a smile across your face and finally make sense out of much of what you've experienced along your journey, from where you came from... to where you are today.
Find out which online newsletter you MUST subscribe to, even though the subject matter is likely to be completely irrelevant to you! Confused? Don't be -- just read through page 46 and you'll find out why!
As a writer... and as a marketer, you really DO live and die by the information inside your sales letters. Not only the emotional sales copy, but the facts and figures that lend credibility to what you're saying. To make sure your marketing is, in fact, ONLY living, and never dying... I've included an entire section about Research, Facts, and Figures!
Discover a software program that's so simple, my 15-year old son runs it, and find out how it has multiplied our subscriber base by 400%, each-and-every month! Sounds too good to be true -- but it's not!
If you run press releases, then there is one HUGE book, you simply MUST get your hands on. I'll reveal what it is... and how to get it for only ONE DOLLAR!
Find out which online service for which book, is like the "Bible" of offline publishing.
Which public domain consumer websites, are great sources of product ideas and actual product information? I'll give them to you here.
If you ever need eye-opening information about Social Security or Medicare, there is only ONE set of books to get, and you can find out what they are, instantly inside this manual. This is actually information I picked up when I was doing research as a financial planner, many years ago.
If you want an easy way to start your sales letters, I'll show you book after book after book you can order, that will give you an almost unlimited set of facts to use as your sales letter openings, along with some sales copy examples of EXACTLY how to do this!
I'll even give you THREE books that will short-cut your copywriting time and boost your sales copy dramatically! These are the same books I use, but FEW people actually know about them.
And don't worry, you still get my...
100% Risk-FREE |
And here it is: Order my "COMPLETELY UNCENSORED Magic Marketing Research And Resource Guide" Read through all the information that's packed inside -- not once, but as many times as you need to. Make some notes along the way and then start developing a strategy for yourself, prioritizing which information is most relevant to helping you accomplish the things you need to.
Take up to THREE 6 FULL MONTHS to do this. If, at any point during that time, you do NOT feel the information you received was worth your investment, then box it up and ship it back to me, and I will immediately give you a 100% prompt and courteous refund. No hard feelings and no questions asked.
Because the truth is, if you're not thrilled with your order, I'm not either.
And that ought to be enough to make you feel pretty safe about ordering, right?
Good then.
Yes Craig, shortcut my marketing education, right now! (Order online or by phone) Order now using your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card, and you will be taken to a 100% safe-and-secure response form:
"Craig, I just read your book and I hope this will do for a testimonial for you (it's from the gut and true), but I can honestly say you saved me a nice chunk of money. Not a fortune, but definitely around $500 or more. And I mean that, there are some things I was going to buy, but have been putting off mostly because of my gut feeling (which I find is almost always right about these things, and which I believe a couple of your reviews verified for me) and now I'm not going to bother with them." Ben Settle - Cheyenne, WY |
"Craig, I'm an information junkie, and the thing I liked about this review guide is that is wasn't the same old re-hashed garbage you usually see -- especially on the internet. I like the fact you gave me information about a lot of books that I'd never heard of before, that really aren't "mainstream", and I also like that you told me where I could buy these items at discount prices. In fact, I already went to [name blocked out] and saved about 40% off of one of the items you've told me about, and I've earmarked 3 more books to show up on my "hit-list". Plus, when I went to [name also blocked out], I also found another item I had been looking for, for ages, that I never would have found had I not ordered your guide. Thanks a bunch, and mark me down to get the new edition of this book every year." Amy Hoerler - Web Mistress, Brooklyn, NY |
"I'm always looking for new stuff to read and study and usually I just pick something off amazon or search google for info products. So it's cool to have a resource like this to go to, because it's so focused specifically on the information marketing business and on direct response marketing, and because the reviews are not biased - they're just honest." Karol Gajda - Entrepreneur, Orlando, Florida |
Look, when it comes to business, the ONLY way you're going to make money is by investing into your personal self-education.
In fact, investing in your self-education is as important to the success of your business, as investing in good medical care is, to the success and quality of your health.
The truth is, self-education IS your medical care AND your health maintenance program for your business.
Now at last, there's a way to make SURE you're not investing in some crappy medical care, that ends up rotting your business away from the inside out, instead of lifting you up so you can accomplish everything you deserve.
Oh, by the way, one more thing, and this is important: This is NOT some kind of dopey free-for-all affiliate book stuffed with links for you to go and buy stuff so I can make a profit on it. This is a "No Holds Barred" hard-copy review guide to marketing and self-development information that's unbiased and raw -- just like the Sunday New York Times Book Review -- no fluff, just the truth.
Now go sell something,
Craig Garber
P.S. I don't presume to know how much money you're making. But even if this manual saves you the pain... frustration... wasted dollars and wasted time of reading even ONE worthless book, or listening to ONE useless audio CD -- shoot, even if you're a laborer working construction, and your time is only worth $12.50 an hour -- then you've already made out like a bandit by ordering this guide!
P.P.S. This book short-cuts your learning, and as Jim Rohn said, "Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins."
"Formal education MAY make you a living,
but self-education... will make you... a fortune!"
Yes Craig, shortcut my marketing education, right now! (Order online or by phone) Order now using your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card, and you will be taken to a 100% safe-and-secure response form:
Craig Garber
3959 Van Dyke Road #253 Lutz, Florida 33558
(that's just next to Publix on the south west corner of Van Dyke and Dale Mabry)
813-909-2214 phone
© Craig Garber &