The 5 Most Powerful Conversion Strategies Of All Time:
Here's a quick way to immediately convert fresh new leads into high-paying customers and clients. These conversions will also happen faster and much easier than ever before. The truth is, you may boost your conversion rates by over 310%, in some cases. At least, that's what happened to a recent client of mine who used the strategies I'm about to share with you. I’ll even show you his promotion and go over it with you, so you can see what he did. In fact, here’s a promise: 60 days from today, you’ll have more money in the bank.. be in a much stronger overall financial position... and have far less anxiety than you've ever had -- all without working any more hours, or doing virtually anything different. Why? Because the fastest way to make “easy” money, in any business, is simply by improving your conversion rates. So here are... 5 Critical Mistakes That KILL If you’re like most people, these 5 mistakes are costing you a small fortune, so pay close attention: Mistake #1: Your lead generation message isn't congruent with what you're selling What happens here is, the messages you’re using to attract leads, simply don’t match -- or they aren’t a close enough match -- with what you're ultimately selling. So you wind up getting a lot of people on your list of leads, who showed up expecting one thing, but who were ultimately disappointed, because you offered them another. It's like this - imagine walking into a restaurant thinking you're going to sit down and tear into a nice juicy rack of baby back ribs, and a cold bottle of beer. But instead, surprise! All they're serving is Vegan food. That would be disappointing, wouldn’t it? Of course. And this is only a general situation. In reality, it’s typically much worse. Like when you're specifically looking for affluent customers… and instead, because your messages weren’t congruent with who you really want to sell to… you wind up attracting people from all kinds of income demographics. This winds up turning into yet another non-productive, frustrating transaction for everyone. You’re frustrated because none of your buyers are qualified… and your buyers are frustrated, because many of them might want what you're selling, but they simply can't afford it. All because you didn’t qualify them up-front. You didn’t use the right words in your ads, to attract the specific buyers you really wanted. If you find yourself dealing with a lot of unqualified prospects and tire-kickers… you're probably making this mistake a lot more than you think. And the bottom line is, the quality of your leads, strongly impacts your ability to convert them quickly. Which is why, dealing with better qualified leads in the first place, is the fastest way to increase your conversion rates. For instance, I used this strategy with one client of mine, and his leads went up by 51%. But because these leads were also more qualified leads, his net cash-flow went up by over 60%. This was one of the best campaigns I ever wrote, as far as lead generation response and conversions. And I’ll show you how to get a copy of this ad, along with a step-by-step critique of it, in just a minute.
Mistake #2: Your goods and services are too expensive For the most part, this seems like a mistake, but in reality, it’s a myth. And that's because people buy what they WANT to buy, regardless of price. However there are some important conversion strategies you need to consider here. Most important, you need to make sure you’ve clearly established and communicated a proper USP (Unique Selling Proposition) to your buyers. This is the only way they can understand and justify to themselves why you cost more and why they should have no problem paying more. Remember, price is only an issue in the absence of value. Mistake #3: Your prospect has forgotten about you Prospects, and even existing customers and clients, are like your neighbors. If they don't see you or hear from you on a regular basis, they'll have absolutely no reason to think about you. So make sure you're constantly following up with your leads and with your buyers. Because the people who hear from you most often, are also the ones who will convert to paying customers, fastest and most often. I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve worked with over the years, who turned their business around, simply by committing to a consistent follow-up marketing program. And it doesn’t matter whether you follow up online or offline, or both. What’s critical is that you’re following up in the most high-impact way possible. This means, saying the right things (and avoiding the wrong things)... and communicating using the right media. This will vary, depending on what you do and the nature of your client relationships. Just keep in mind, there’s conversion gold in your list, when you’re consistently following up with your buyers. Mistake #4: Your Prospects Don't Trust You There are a number of reasons why your prospects may not trust you, and most of them have absolutely nothing to do with whether you’re actually honest or not. But in general, when your trust is questioned… this means your buyers either don't believe you… they don't think you have enough credibility… or they simply don't like you. If they don’t believe you, they think you’re not being truthful. And this comes from how you speak, what you’re saying… and how often you’re saying it. If you aren’t perceived as being credible, this means people don’t think you have a “right” to be selling these particular goods and services. In other words, your “expert status” and your authority, is somewhat questionable. And since people only do business with people they like, when you’re not well-liked, no one’s going to buy from you, plain and simple. This is why, you must use specific conversion strategies that are purposely designed to make you believable, credible and liked. Let me give you an example of how to create trust. I have a client who came to me for help starting his consulting business, from scratch. Here were just a few of the things we did in his ad, to increase overall trust:
We did all these things discretely, yet very directly. And what did these conversion strategies do for us? Only this: a conversion rate more than 310% higher than normal conversion rates in this same media, selling to the same audience. And stick around, because in a minute, I’m going to show you how you can get a copy of this ad, and I’ll also walk you through the entire ad, step-by-step… showing you exactly what we did, and why we did it. The bottom line is, unless you're using specific conversion strategies to make sure your buyers believe you, like you, and think you're credible... they won't trust you, and they won't buy. Oh, and today, my client is now successfully selling monthly consulting programs at $3,600 a pop, so everything worked out great! 'Nuff said. Mistake #5: Your Prospects Don't Trust Or Believe In Themselves This is one of THE most common reasons why people don't buy. They feel unable or undeserving of success, for one reason or another. Mostly due to some past events in their lives or because of some negative messages in their mind. It's very difficult to overcome these “undeserving” feelings. And when it comes down to it, it’s actually kind of unfair you even have to deal with this in the first place. After all, you and I have enough of our own baggage to deal with, right? Of course. Lord only knows, the last thing we want to do, is play armchair therapist with our buyers. However, as unfair as this seems… you really must address this in your marketing, using specific conversion strategies that wind up gently encouraging your buyers to feel warm and optimistic about what you’re offering. But once you do this… once you have them believing their life with you in it, is even a little better than their life without you in it… BAM! You’ll find yourself making loads of sales, without any hassles. Here’s What You Must Know About These Conversion Secrets: Look, I’m not one of those celebrity gurus. I DON'T sell “instant money”… there's virtually no hype in any of my sales copy… and I’ll be the last person to tell you making money doesn’t involve “work.” Why? Because that's not reality, and call me quirky or something… but I LIKE reality. It’'s fun and exciting, and challenging and rewarding. But if you have to work, then you might as well be armed with conversion strategies like these, that let you avoid and overcome these mistakes. Because this lets you make a lot more money, with the same amount of effort. And if you agree, then listen up. I’ve just put together a new marketing program, and it’s all about conversion strategies.
It’s called Psychological Conversion Strategies, and here’s what’s included in the “Basic” Program. You’ll get immediate access, in a private membership site, to the following:
And of course, if you’re already a member of the Club, you won’t be enrolled twice, so don’t worry there. There’s also an Elite Psychological Conversion Strategies Package, and this includes everything in the basic program, PLUS it also includes:
For instance, I recently gave one client of mine a marketing strategy to use, that not one in 1,000 companies in his industry would even consider using. His sales process is now much easier, and his conversion rates for the qualified clients he always wanted, but could never seem to attract, before… has more than DOUBLED. You’ll also get a recording of this call uploaded to the membership site, for you to listen to, at your convenience. I charge $1,000 an hour for consulting, so this one call alone is
This fixes the current lead generation and conversion problems you’re experiencing, that are costing you sales right now. Now candidly, that this may or may not be for you. If you’re just starting out, then don't worry about this. However if you've already got a basic business sales funnel set up... or if your client transaction value is at least $1,000 or more... then this call is critical. So make sure you schedule your session immediately after you place your order
Psychological Conversion Strategies also comes with an unconditional 6-month Guarantee. Order it now, and if you don't see your conversion rates increase, enough to pay for this program AT LEAST 10 times over within 60 days... then let me know and we'll give you a 100% refund, no questions asked. So, to get instant access right now, simply click the botton below
Here Are Some More Details On What’s Inside: The Program is broken down into 9 Modules, and includes the following information:
Put simply… Psychological Conversion Strategies is an amazingly simple guide Look, this program isn't a magic button you put on your web page, that increases conversions. Although there are plenty of strategies in it about online and offline page layouts, and items to put on your web pages that definitely will boost your conversions. Don't get me wrong, “magic buttons” like this are good, but they’re only good until the next magic button comes along.
This program is about long-term strategies that work, forever. Simply because they leverage the one constant that never changes, and that is… the psychology of your buyers. So if you want the ability to pry open your buyers minds and be allowed entry into the only thing that really matters, then this program is for you. Thanks for listening to this message. I'm looking forward to helping your conversion rates (and your cash-flow) go through the roof. If you have any questions, fee free to contact my office at 813-909-2214, or e-mail my assistant Anne at Craig Garber P.S. Listen, old conversion “tricks” just don’t work anymore. Today, people are hip to gimmicks and they understand what you’re trying to do. However, when you’re tapping into the things people want MOST, there’s no trickery involved, at all. Just good old-fashioned quality salesmanship and persuasion - nothing more. There’s absolutely NO reason, especially at this crazy low price, for you to pass on this. In fact, if you can find a reason, let me know and I'll address it. Order now and improve your conversion rates in one evening. And I’m not just “saying” this -- I’m Guaranteeing it.
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